Led by Abel Carkett, our housing team supports people living in ACT-run properties across Oxford by:
Working with property owners keen to make a social impact by renting through ACT
Giving each resident sustained 1:1 support, including regular home visits
Welcoming new people as they come out of prison or off the streets
Helping people move on to live independently
Taking on new properties
Key to this work are amazing property owners who’ve caught the vision and made their house or flat available to us.
Each property is different, but often we’ll redecorate, furnish and kit it out with all the essentials – from cups to curtains.
We’re always looking for new people with properties we can manage, where new stories can begin. Get in touch if that might be you.
Individually tailored support
Many people are working to recover from difficult experiences when they move in. We make sure they get the best possible help from specialist partners like Turning Point and provide sustained 1:1 support throughout their journey.
We’ve found that people do best when they share with just one other person. This space, plus ACT’s focus on eating well, staying active, getting outside and finding ways to contribute, really makes a difference.
Help to move on
Painter and decorator, chef, forklift driver, tree surgeon – we help people build their skills, apply for jobs and do them well.
That might mean help with training, buying essential workwear, or workplace liaison with their new employer.
As people get ready to move on, we celebrate and stay in touch, because support doesn’t stop the day a person moves out.
We’re family.
“It’s a thrill for me that my property was home for Mousa, ACT’s former housing manager, at a point in his journey. I’d encourage anyone thinking about making a property available in this way to do it.
I’d even be tempted to ask, ‘Why wouldn’t you?’”