What we do
From a hot meal and a new pair of boots to a home and a mentor, ACT’s staff and 65+ volunteers offer support that is shaped to fit each person’s needs.
Everything we do is designed to help people find belonging, purpose and hope. That looks different for each person. But most of our activities are rooted in relationship – whether that’s bacon butty breakfasts, small group sessions, back-to-work projects or our annual holiday.
We’re here for the long haul. Each person’s journey is unique and setbacks are inevitable – but they’re not the end of the story…
Outreach and Mentoring
Heading out to find rough sleepers new to the city, meeting someone at the prison gate on release day – our outreach is all about looking out for people and helping them find a way forward, in community.
Life in prison can be desperately isolating.
So we go into local prisons week in, week out to offer pastoral support and friendship to people who may be feeling very short on hope.
Around 20 people who were once in prison or street homeless have a home in an ACT-run house, thanks to generous social-impact property owners.
Behind each ordinary-looking front door is an extraordinary story.